Cllr Ian Scott

Newton Ward
Committees: Finance & Compliance, Community & Social Development, Personnel 

tel: 01792 367076
mobile: 07900 334 207

Political Affiliation: Conservative

“I have represented the Newton Ward for the past 5 years. Retired worked in the Fire Service 30 years. Former Chairman of Mumbles Community Council.”

Register of Interests

Tuesday 23rd May 2017
Planning/Minute No.
2017/0793/PLD, 2017/0686/FUL 2017/0709/FUL
Declared personal interest in planning applications 2017/0793/PLD, 2017/0686/FUL, 2017/0709/FUL as he knows the applicants.
Monday 9th July 2018
Planning/Minute No.
2017/1620/NMA 2017/1564/TPO
Declared a personal interest as he knows the developer
Thursday 20th July 2017
Planning/Minute No.
Declared a personal interest as he is an acquaintance with the developer
Thursday 29th March 2018
Planning/Minute No.
Declared a Personal Interest in item regarding sending pre-judicial letter to C&CS because he has been involved in the opposition to the Summerland Lane development.
Monday 9th July 2018
Planning/Minute No.
Declared a personal interest as he is friends with the developer
Monday 9th July 2018
Planning/Minute No.
Declared a personal interest as he is friends with the developer
Tuesday 10th July 2018
Planning/Minute No.
Declared a personal interest as he is friends with the developer
Monday 6th August 2018
Planning/Minute No.
Declared a prejudicial interest in item as a former objector to the Summerland Lange planning application.
Monday 20th August 2018
Planning/Minute No.
Cllr Ian Scott declared a Personal interest in the application for 3 Slade Road Newton Swansea SA3 4UE he lives in Slade Road and knows the applicant
Monday 17th September 2018
Planning/Minute No.
Planning Committee Agenda Item Land off Summerland Lane
Declared a personal interest as a former objector to the planning application at Summerland Lane.
Tuesday 20th November 2018
Planning/Minute No.
Cllr Ian Scott declared a personal & prejudicial interest in item S.062 – To consider a response to Swansea Council’s consultation on changing the settlement boundary to include the preferred LDP site in Newton H5.5 -Summerland Lane within the settlement boundary –as he objected to the development, and left the room when the matter was raised.
Tuesday 27th November 2018
Planning/Minute No.
Cllr Ian Scott declared a personal & prejudicial interest in item S.068 and he was an objector to the development and left the room when the matter was raised.
Tuesday 14th May 2019
Planning/Minute No.
Cllr Ian Scott, Item 230.05. Personal and Prejudicial interest. Payment of personal expenses for attending the launch of Wales in Bloom on behalf of the Council
Tuesday 8th October 2019
Planning/Minute No.
Cllr Ian Scott declared a personal interest in 440.10 – Higher Lane: Commissioning of Independent Report, as he has lodged an objection to the planning application.
Monday 11th November 2019
Planning/Minute No.
Item on the Response to the Welsh Audit Office Report
Cllr Ian Scott declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting as he is named in the report.
Tuesday 12th November 2019
Planning/Minute No.
Cllr Ian Scott declared a personal interest in 477.11 Higher Lane – as he has lodged an objection to the planning application.
Tuesday 11th February 2020
Planning/Minute No.
Cllr Ian Scott declared in personal interest in item 062.02 as he opposed the development.