Boarspit Litter Pick

Bring your family and friends as we set out to clear litter from Boarspit.

We will be meeting on the corner of Alder Way and Chestnut Avenue to clear litter around the Boarspit area.

All equipment will be provided.

Please sign up using the following link - 

Boarspit Litter Pick Tickets, Thu 1 Aug 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite


Dewch â’ch teulu a’ch ffrindiau wrth i ni fynd ati i glirio sbwriel o Boarspit.

Byddwn yn cyfarfod ar gornel Alder Way a Chestnut Avenue i glirio sbwriel o amgylch ardal Boarspit.

Darperir yr holl offer.

Cofrestrwch gan ddefnyddio'r wefan i roi gwybod i ni eich bod yn dod!

Boarspit Litter Pick Tickets, Thu 1 Aug 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

Thursday 1st August 2024
Meeting on the corner of Alder Way and Chestnut Avenue
10.00am - 12.00pm