Clearing weeds at Norton Nature Reserve and Community Garden!

Come and volunteer with the Mumbles Green Team!

Mumbles Community Council needs your help to clear weeds at our beloved Norton Nature Reserve and Community Garden.

Volunteers will be clearing weeds from the accessible pathways in our community garden to keep the garden and all its joys accessible to everyone.

Volunteers should wear work appropriate clothing and closed toed shoes or boots.

Bring a water bottle and gardening gloves if you have them, though some gloves will be provided if needed. Tools are provided.

Sign up using the following link:


Dewch i wirfoddoli gyda Thîm Gwyrdd y Mwmbwls!

Mae angen cymorth ar Gyngor Cymuned y Mwmbwls i glirio chwyn yn un o’n hoff leoedd, Gwarchodfa Natur a Gardd Gymunedol Norton.

Bydd gwirfoddolwyr yn clirio chwyn o'r llwybrau hygyrch yn ein gardd gymunedol i gadw'r ardd a'i holl bleserau yn hygyrch i bawb.

Dylai gwirfoddolwyr wisgo dillad sy'n briodol i'r gwaith ac esgidiau sy’n amddiffyn bysedd y traed.

Dewch â photel ddŵr a menig garddio os oes gennych rai, er y bydd rhai menig yn cael eu darparu os oes angen. Darperir offer.

Cofrestrwch gan ddefnyddio'r ddolen ganlynol:



Saturday 20th July 2024
Norton Nature Reserve and Community Garden
10.00am - 12.00pm