Skatepark Litter Pick

One bag makes a huge difference!

Join us at Mumbles Skatepark for a community litter pick and help support our skatepark and our environment!

Date: Saturday 27th July 2024

Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm

Location: Mumbles Skatepark

Mumbles Community Council and Mumbles Skatepark Association are teaming up on this event to clear up our community as part of our Litter Free Zone commitments.

For more information and to book your spot, visit this link:

Mae un bag yn gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr!

Ymunwch â ni ym Mharc Sglefrio’r Mwmbwls am sesiwn casglu sbwriel gymunedol a helpu i gefnogi ein parc sglefrio a’n hamgylchedd!

Dyddiad: Dydd Sadwrn 27 Gorffennaf 2024

Amser: 10am – 12pm

Lleoliad: Parc Sglefrio’r Mwmbwls

Mae Cyngor Cymuned y Mwmbwls a Chymdeithas Parc Sglefrio’r Mwmbwls yn ymuno ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn i glirio ein cymuned fel rhan o’n hymrwymiadau parthau di-sbwriel.

Am ragor o wybodaeth ac i gadw eich lle, ewch i'r ddolen hon:


Saturday 27th July 2024
Mumbles Skatepark
10.00am - 12.00pm