Chair's Annual Address

Chair's Annual Address

In my year as Chair of Mumbles Community Council I have some key priorities which I hope to see achieved. Of particular importance is to ensure that work started on programmes is progressed and completed, not just major projects such as the Skatepark and Underhill, but smaller and equally important projects which hopefully will make a difference to our residents' day to day lives. As my particular passion is for enhancing our environment, addressing the challenges of climate change and increasing the diversity and sustainability of the green environment are key ambitions.  Things such as increasing the planting of wildflower turf and wildflowers throughout the Mumbles area, continuing the replacement of general waste bins with dual recycling bins, providing more bottle filler stations and expanding the Plastic Free Mumbles programme into more shops and businesses.

With the cost of living crisis affecting everyone, winter is going to be a particularly difficult time, particularly for those on limited incomes and I would like MCC to look at ways in which we can increase our support through more frequent and varied events which will be free to drop into and will provide a warm space and a hot drink for anyone who needs it. I would welcome any ideas and suggestions of places that could provide drop-in spaces for people to use either daytime or evening.

In order to keep people informed, I will be publishing my monthly report to Council on the website and social media and that will give a brief overview of what MCC have done in the previous month and plan for the following month. I will also be holding monthly drop-in surgeries on the first Thursday of every month from 2.00pm to 4.00pm in the MCC office at the Ostreme Centre.

Chair Cllr Carrie Townsend Jones