This week is the UK Swift Awareness Week!

The common Swift (Apus Apus) is now on the UK and Welsh Birds of Conservation Concern Red List, due to a severe population decline of 58% between 1995 and 2018.

This week is the UK Swift Awareness Week!

The common Swift (Apus Apus) is now on the UK and Welsh Birds of Conservation Concern Red List, due to a severe population decline of 58% between 1995 and 2018.

There is something you can do to help these beautiful birds! 

In 2022, Saving Swansea's Swifts Project was set up by the Gower Ornithological Society and Swansea Council to address the decline in Swift Numbers.

You can help by attending one of their swift surveys!

There will be one held in Mumbles on the 11th of July. If anyone would like to sign up and help with important swift conservation work, please follow the link in the poster!

** Please note that this is a continuous walking survey, which may include walking up and down the streets and hills of Swansea. Therefore, please consider your health and fitness level before taking part.

If you cannot join a survey, keep an eye out for swifts and enter anny records on the swift mapper! 

The peak activity period for swifts is 1st and 2nd week of July.



Mae’n Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth y Wennol Ddu yn y Deyrnas Unedig!

Mae’r wennol ddu gyffredin (Apus Apus) bellach ar Restr Goch Adar o Bryder Cadwraethol y DU a Chymru, oherwydd gostyngiad difrifol yn y boblogaeth o 58% rhwng 1995 a 2018.

Mae yna rywbeth y gallwch chi ei wneud i helpu’r adar hardd hyn! 

Yn 2022, sefydlwyd Prosiect Achub Gwenoliaid Duon Abertawe gan Gymdeithas Adaryddol Gŵyr a Chyngor Abertawe i fynd i’r afael â’r gostyngiad yn niferoedd y gwenoliaid duon.

Gallwch chi helpu trwy fynd i un o arolygon y gwenoliaid duon!

Cynhelir un yn y Mwmbwls ar 11 Gorffennaf. Os hoffai unrhyw un ymuno a helpu gyda gwaith cadwraeth pwysig y gwenoliaid duon, dilynwch y ddolen yn y poster!

** Sylwch mai arolwg cerdded parhaus yw hwn, a all gynnwys cerdded i fyny ac i lawr strydoedd a bryniau Abertawe. Felly, ystyriwch lefel eich iechyd a’ch ffitrwydd cyn cymryd rhan.

Os na allwch ymuno ag arolwg, cadwch lygad am wenoliaid duon a rhowch unrhyw gofnodion ar y mapiwr gwenoliaid duon! 

Y cyfnod mwyaf prysur ymhlith y gwenoliaid duon yw pythefnos cyntaf mis Gorffennaf.